More Than a Church
The church of Lucifer, offers members and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of Themselfs and for one another within our beautiful community. We are rooted in our believes. Worship thyself is something that can be expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is founded on the life and teachings of Love and compassion . No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at our church. Get in touch today.

Core Values
The 9 tenets of Enlightenment
1.Enlightenment: The Luciferian strives to reach enlightement and gain gnosis.
2.Gnosis: Gnosis is how the Luciferian self illuminates and gains enlightenment. Gnosis, knowledge in greek, without it, there is no enlightenment.
3.Self Determination: Morality is subjective, thus the Luciferian does not conform to dogma or doctrine. Each individual is free to choose their own path.
4.Liberation: The story of a fallen angel, called Lucifer, that came as a serpent and gave us wisdom; inspires us to achieve enlightenment. But it also teaches us to be liberators of humankind. The Luciferian does this by freeing others of the shackles of indoctrination, oppression and ignorance.
5.Skepticism: The Luciferian is a skeptic by nature. They seek truth and do not trust the words of people, just because they say it is true.
6.Conversion is not a goal: The Luciferian does not seek to convert people. Enlightenment is a choice, not something that others dictate.
7.Honor nature: The Luciferian honors and respects nature. Not only do we rely on nature for our survival, but we can gain enlightenment from it.
8.Carnal nature: The Luciferian does not deny their carnal nature, but they are not free from the consequences of their actions. They seek balance between their desires and the betterment of society.
9.The here and now: The Luciferian believes in the here and now, not some reward in the afterlife.

The 3 pillars of enlightenment
The pillars that enlightenment stands on
1.Wisdom: Wisdom is the first pillar. No one has gain enlightenment without wisdom. Wisdom is the result of collecting gnosis over time and knowing how and when to apply it.
2.Truth: Truth is the second pillar. Gnosis means nothing, if everything you learn is a lie. Wisdom through lies, is not wisdom at all.
3.Justice: Justice is the third pillar. If someone has wisdom but does not act when they see injustice, they have not reach enlightenment and they treat wisdom as a treasure to be hoarded.

The Luciferian Code of Conduct
The Luciferian Code of Conduct
1. Do not harm the innocent: Do not harm that which is innocent. This includes, but is not limited to; children, animals (unless for food) and those that do not harm others and are kind.
2. Retaliation not initiation: do not seek to harm others, unless first provoked or to protect others.
3. Your path is your own: your path is yours alone, do not force your beliefs onto others. Do not argue over which way is the best way to believe and practice, luciferianism. Only argue over facts.
4. Be true to your self: do not let others dictate your life or your path; your life and path are your own.
5. Seek peace first: peace is not always the only option, but it should be your first; when appropriate.

Ave Luciferi
The church of Lucifer's mission, is to help guide others on their path of truth and enlightenment, no matter where that may lead. Some people are meant to be Luciferian, while others are meant to be part of other religions. Whatever that path is, we will help guide you. Our purpose is to achieve enlightenment and help others to do so, as well.